Tag Archives: Sean Hannity & FOX lying about life being better 4 years ago with Trump

PROOF: Life is Better with Democrats than Trump

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Trump campaign asks: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? The answer is YES! Trump’s Presidency was a DISASTER… full of Lies, Scandals, Insanity and Incompetence which led to over 1 million deaths from Covid. Trump’s Presidency was so bad that he’s rated by historians as being the Worst President in History.


Better Off Now


The Trump campaign’s ‘better off’ con game


Trump Failed America




Steve Rattner fact checks Trump’s claims about Crime, Energy and the National Debt


Better Now Than Four Years Ago


The Trump campaign keeps asking, “Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?” So, let’s answer that question. Are you better off now than you were on March 13, 2020?


Data & charts show life is much better with Democrats & Biden as President than Republicans & Trump


This video shows what America was really like four years ago under Trump


Trump Administration Incompetent Response to Coronavirus


Over 25,000,000 cases and 418,000 deaths as of 1-24-21… the highest in the world due to Trump’s incompetence


House oversight committee report reveals that the Trump administration made deliberate efforts to undermine the nation’s Covid-19 response.

New reporting reveals that Donald Trump “pressured” CDC officials to “alter scientific guidance” regarding the dangers of the Coronavirus and “muzzled” CDC officials from informing members of the public about how to protect themselves.


Former COVID-19 Task Force Member Describes Political Pressure On Scientists

Olivia Troye, former adviser to Mike Pence on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, talks with Rachel Maddow about how the better judgment of scientists was bullied and pressured by White House officials to better serve Donald Trump’s political agenda


Trump compared to the worst presidents in American history



Sportscaster Bob Costas Explains why Trump is the Worst President in History

“Trump is by far the most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history. He’s only become more disgraceful since 2016. he is a bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits and it’s only those who are suffering from Trump derangement syndrome which is the way they and Fox News and all the rest of MAGA media try to brush aside all the legitimate criticisms of trump you have to be in delusion in an a toxic cult to believe that Donald Trump has ever been in any sense emotionally psychologically intellectually or ethically fit to be president of the United States but his supporters are locked in on that.

Chief of Staff John Kelly said: the depth of his dishonesty is astonishing. He is a person who has no idea what America is all about. A person who has nothing but contempt for our Democratic institutions our constitution and the rule of law. God help us all. The Trump delusion is not going away on the right


National Security Advisor John Bolton says World Leaders considered Trump to be a “laughing fool”


Foreign Diplomats Call Trump A Laughing Stock Who Is Obsessed With Obama


Trump is not a ‘super genius,’ but rather he is an unstable incompetent narcissist who conned his way into the White House with help of foreign interference.


Trump has a history of LYING and making insane conspiracy theory claims as he did about Ted Cruz’s father in the above video. When he’s beaten, he claims he was cheated and the Election was Rigged as he did in the tweet below accusing Ted Cruz of “Stealing the Election”.



Everything Trump Loses Is ‘Rigged’

From the Mueller probe to mail-in voting, here are all the things Trump says are ‘rigged.’


A book called “The Toddler in Chief” details more than 1,000 documented reports by Cabinet members, Oval Office advisers, Republican Party officials and the President himself having childlike behavior and temper tantrums. Reports claim White House aides had to treat Trump like a child in order to placate him.

Staffers claim he was unable to stay focused, had a 2 minute attention span… former DHS official claims classified memos had to be ‘dumbed down’ so he could understand them… reported to have required a ‘Special Folder’ with flattering news and photos about himself Twice a Day. Top White House officials described Trump as; “a f***ing moron”, “he tries to divide us”, “he’s an Idiot”, “a professional liar”, “thinks he God”, “like an 11 year old child”, “dumb as shit”, “dope with the intelligence of a kindergartner” & “don’t think he’s fit for office”.


White House Aides Admit They Treat Trump Like A Child


A book called “The Toddler in Chief” details more than 1,000 documented reports by Cabinet members, Oval Office advisers, Republican Party officials and the President himself having childlike behavior and temper tantrums.


Former DHS official claims classified memos had to be ‘dumbed down’ so Trump could understand them


Required a ‘Special Folder’ with flattering news and photos about himself Twice a Day


Staffers claim Trump was unable to stay focused & had a 2 – 4 minute attention span