Republicans Lying about Inflation: Blaming Democrats & Biden

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Desperate that they are losing in the polls because their policies are so unpopular (such as anti-abortion laws forcing 10 year old girls to give birth to her rapists child), Republicans have been lying about Inflation to score cheap political points, Blaming Democrats & Biden when it’s a global problem affecting over 100 counties with inflation rates higher than the U.S.


Revolution in American Economics


How Price-Gouging Companies Are Driving Inflation

Democrat Congresswoman Katie Porter joins Chris Hayes to discuss how corporations are hiking prices and generating record profits—all under the guise of “inflation.” This is an example of how Democrats stand up for consumers and hold greedy corporations (which are owned by Republicans) accountable. It’s possible that greedy corporations (which overwhelming support Republicans) are increasing profits and inflation to make people blame Democrats so they vote for Republicans in the midterms.


Inflation is lower in the United States than other parts of the World. Republican are so dishonest that they NEVER mention this. Republicans have no plans to reduce inflation… they’re beholden to the RICH and to BIG BUSINESS CORPORATIONS which funds Republicans campaigns so they stay in power.