Economists Embracing Democrats Economic Policies

Economists are embracing Democrats Economic Policies & rejecting Trump’s as disastrous for the working class which would skyrocket the cost of everything and could lead to a massive recession


Trump’s proposed economic policies and plans would be a disaster for the working class, skyrocketing the cost of everything and could lead to a massive recession


5 Ways Trump Would Blow up the Economy


‘Trump’s tariffs are a $1,600 tax hike’: Steve Rattner warns of regressive impact

Steve Rattner joins Morning Joe to discuss how Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs and economic policies disproportionately harm the middle class, particularly in red states. Rattner highlights how “income redistribution benefits red states,” despite their leaders criticizing so-called socialism.


Trump is proposing the ‘worst economic policy in U.S. history’

Trump’s plan to eliminate the tax code and replace it with tariffs is, as Henry Ford would say, “an economic stupidity.”


Trump just proposed ‘one of the most deranged policies’ all of time, says Hayes

“The idea makes as much sense as ripping up the entire interstate highway system and replacing it with canals,” says Chris Hayes on the proposal Trump floated during a meeting with Republicans on Capitol Hill.


Trump will cut taxes for billionaires and stick you with the bill.



Trump’s leaked speech about making the rich even richer. Behind closed doors, he tells his billionaire friends he’ll make them even richer.


Trump Promises to Keep Billionaires Taxes Low


President Harry Truman explains the difference between Republicans & Democrats at the 1948 Democratic Convention





REPUBLICAN Senator Ron Johnson caught Protecting the RICH




How Tax Breaks Helps the RICH



Republican are Corporate Boot-lickers who pander to the RICH

The above video exposes how Republicans are hypocrites who engage in, and condone Socialism for the Rich in the form of corporate bails-outs, tax payer funded sports stadiums, farm subsidies (22 billion in 2019 when Trump was President), but harsh “pull yourself by up by your own bootstraps” Capitalism for everyone else.


Mitch McConnell Makes Shocking Admission That Wealthy Donors Own Republican Senators

Republican Senator Josh Hawley has introduced a piece of legislation that would ban publicly-traded companies from spending money on politics, and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell is absolutely furious. According to reports, McConnell snapped at Hawley during a Republican lunch meeting this week, and McConnell reminded Hawley that without big money donors they wouldn’t have seats in the Senate. This is a clear admission that wealthy donors are buying seats for Republicans.